The step-by-step process to OPT-OUT of the VOLUNTARY income tax
Simply, Easily, and 100% LEGALLY using Wealth Guaranteed’s 12-411 Process
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Join our weekly 12-411 Infosession for a live Q&A with CPAs, real client testimonials, and expert insights—get all your questions answered and gain the confidence to legally eliminate your income tax with Wealth Guaranteed’s 12-411 Process!
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It is a section of U.S. law that allows individuals to redeem otherwise taxable Federal Reserve Notes for lawful money, which is non-taxable. This was part of the original federal reserve act & has been on our law books for well over 100 years.
The truth is, the wealthy and elite in this country have been using strategies like our 12-411 process for generations. However, they’ve done an excellent job of keeping the public misinformed about how it works. By allowing everyday Americans to be confused by the complexity of offshore trusts, foreign bank accounts, or secretive accounts in places like Dubai or Switzerland, they’ve convinced the general public that tax exemption is something only the ultra-wealthy can achieve. This confusion isn’t accidental, it’s intentional. Our 12-411 process is actually simple and legal, but it’s hidden in plain sight. If a wealthy person were to explain it in casual conversation, it might sound far-fetched to the average person because our education system has trained Americans to dismiss what’s been right in front of them all along. For the wealthy, it’s easier—and more beneficial—to stay quiet about these strategies and let the public remain uninformed. Teaching everyday Americans about these processes would disrupt the system they’ve benefited from for so long. Unlike the wealthy elite, we at Wealth Guaranteed are committed to educating and empowering everyday people to use these same tools to gain financial freedom and achieve tax exemption. We’ve made it our mission to bring these legal, proven strategies to everyone, not just the privileged few.
The 12-411 Process is a proprietary process developed exclusively by Wealth Guaranteed to legally eliminate your income tax liability using 12 U.S.C. 411.
There are no government-provided forms or official guides to help you with this process. While Congress wrote into law that we have the right to redeem our income in lawful money (which makes it non-taxable), they provide no official assistance, tutorials, or standardized paperwork to facilitate this process.
The expectation is that anyone wanting to take advantage of this right must research and interpret the law themselves. Additionally, popular search engines intentionally scramble or suppress this information, allowing misleading or incorrect interpretations to spread in an effort to discourage the general public from successfully applying this process. This is why accurate and reliable information on the 12-411 process is difficult to find online.
The 12-411 Process as we teach it was developed in-house by Wealth Guaranteed and refined over six years with a 100% success rate. Our founder coined the term “12-411 Process” to describe our exclusive 15-step methodology that ensures the successful application of 12 U.S.C. 411 for total tax elimination. In 2024, we launched our proprietary 12-411 automation software, a revolutionary system that streamlines the entire process, reducing the time needed to complete the program from four months to just two weeks. This software allows you to effortlessly complete each step while Wealth Guaranteed handles the hard work, including:
Custom documentation
Government agency communications
Step-by-step guidance
With direct communication channels with multiple government agencies, our team ensures that every step is executed correctly on your behalf. By working with Wealth Guaranteed, you gain access to an exclusive, proven system that ensures a smooth and legally sound tax exemption process without the guesswork.
When President Franklin D. Roosevelt confiscated all the gold in 1933 through Executive Order 6102, the federal government needed a remedy to counterbalance this massive action. As a result, Title 12 was expanded to include language from Section 16.1 of the original Federal Reserve Act, which states that Federal Reserve Notes may be redeemed for lawful money upon demand. This law was essentially a trade-off: the government seized the nation’s gold, and in return, provided a legal mechanism for individuals to convert their taxable Federal Reserve Notes into non-taxable lawful money. However, since so few people understand or exercise this right, the system overwhelmingly benefits the government and the Federal Reserve. They got to confiscate gold from the American people, while retaining control of the monetary system, and only a small fraction of people use the remedy provided to opt out of income taxes. The government has no incentive to change 12 USC 411 because the law works perfectly for their interests. The ultra-wealthy and those who understand the law take full advantage of it, while 99% of everyday Americans remain unaware and continue to voluntarily comply with income tax regulations. Changing the law would only draw attention to it, which would disrupt this arrangement. The responsibility falls on individuals to understand and apply the law. If you fail to use 12 USC 411 to declare your income as non-taxable, the blame rests on you, not the government. Since most Americans never apply this remedy, there’s no reason for the government to alter or repeal the law—it’s already serving their purposes effectively.
With our 12-411 process, your federal and state tax bill will always be $0—no exceptions. This process legally eliminates your taxable income, meaning there is no federal income tax liability and, by extension, no state income tax liability in any state that imposes an income tax (which is nearly all of them). If any taxes were withheld from your pay, you will receive 100% of that money back when you file with our process. Our system is designed to ensure you never owe income tax again—federally or at the state level. If you live in a state that does impose an income tax, our NoTaxPros will prepare your state tax return with our 12-411 process, resulting in you receiving a 100% refund check from both the federal tax collector and your state taxation authority.
We take a very intentional approach to how we connect with clients. For the last six years, about 85% of our clients have come to us through word-of-mouth referrals—friends, family members, or co-workers who have successfully completed the process and want to share their experience. We don’t rely on paid advertising or mass marketing campaigns because we prioritize controlling our client volume and maintaining the highest level of personalized support. By focusing on referrals, we’re able to work one-on-one with our clients, treat each of them like family and give them the specialized care and attention required to fully understand and become successful with our process. By keeping our operations focused and personal, we ensure we’re always available to guide and support our clients every step of the way. Our primary goal is to maintain our 100% success rate and make sure your journey is as smooth and successful as possible.
Understanding Voluntary Compliance and How to Opt Out of Paying Income Tax Using 12 USC 411
Taxes Are Voluntary Per 26 CFR 601.602(a)
Most Americans believe that paying income taxes is mandatory, but the IRS itself confirms that the tax system is based on voluntary compliance.
The Code of Federal Regulations (26 CFR 601.602(a)) states:
“The tax system is based on voluntary compliance, and the taxpayers complete and return the forms with payment of any tax owed.”
This means that the IRS does not automatically impose taxes on you. Instead, it relies on taxpayers to “voluntarily” calculate their income tax liability and submit payment.
The key to understanding this system is self-assessment—the IRS gives you the opportunity to determine your own taxable income.
Each year, taxpayers file a 1040 tax return and self-assess how much they owe. However, the law also allows taxpayers to apply legal deductions and exemptions to lower or even eliminate their taxable income. One of the most powerful, yet hidden, deductions is found in 12 USC 411.
The Federal Reserve Act Section 16.1. states: “Federal Reserve Notes… shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand.”
This means that all U.S. dollars (Federal Reserve Notes) are taxable by default, but the law gives you the right to convert them into lawful money, which is non-taxable. By properly redeeming your income as lawful money, you are legally declaring that your income is not subject to taxation. This process, known as the 12-411 Process, is a fully legal method of self-assessment that allows you to file your tax return with a $0 tax liability—the same way the ultra-wealthy legally avoid paying taxes.
This is not a loophole—this is the law, and it has been successfully applied for over 100 years. The Nations Largest Tax Collection Agency does not challenge this process because it is based on federal statutes and their own tax code. Why Doesn’t Everyone Know About This?
The wealthy and corporations have been using the 12-411 process for generations, but the general public has been misled into believing that income taxes are mandatory for everyone. Complex strategies mentioning offshore trusts, foreign bank accounts, and tax shelters distract everyday Americans from the simple legal methods hidden in plain sight.
WARNING: This process must be done correctly. Never attempt to apply 12 USC 411 on your own. Always consult a CPA or tax professional. At Wealth Guaranteed, we specialize in guiding individuals and business owners through the 12-411 process and ensuring full compliance with US Tax regulations.
The Federal Reserve operates under a system called “fractional reserve banking,” which allows money to be created from nothing.
Here’s how it works:
Step 1: The Federal Reserve “Buys” Treasury Bonds
When the U.S. government needs money, it issues Treasury Bonds—essentially IOUs that promise to pay interest in the future. The Federal Reserve “buys” these Treasury Bonds, but instead of using real money, it simply creates new dollars out of thin air by making a digital entry on a computer.
• The Fed doesn’t have a vault full of cash to hand over—it literally invents money on demand to purchase these bonds.
• The government now has these newly created dollars to spend, increasing the overall money supply.
Step 2: The Illusion of “Government Funding” Through Taxes
Most people believe that their tax dollars fund the government—that the IRS collects money, and then Congress distributes it to pay for public services. This is false.
• In reality, the government already gets all the money it needs from the Federal Reserve creating new dollars whenever necessary.
• Taxes are not needed to fund spending—the U.S. government could operate without collecting a single dollar in taxes if it wanted to. So why are taxes still so high? Because high taxes serve a psychological and economic purpose:
Step 3: High Taxes Maintain Confidence in the Dollar The entire global economy depends on people believing the U.S. dollar has value. The dollar is a fiat currency, meaning it has no intrinsic value—its worth is purely based on faith and confidence in the U.S. government.
• Taxes create the illusion of scarcity. When people believe that money is hard to come by because of taxes, they place higher value on the dollars they earn and spend.
• If people realized taxes weren’t necessary, they might question why they are paying them—which could erode confidence in the system.
• A tax-free economy would expose how money is created from nothing, leading to widespread distrust in the government and the financial system.
Step 4: Inflation and Debt
Every time the Federal Reserve creates new money, it dilutes the value of the existing money supply. This leads to inflation, which is essentially an invisible tax on every American. Instead of directly taking your money through taxes, the government erodes your purchasing power by printing more money.
• The national debt is never meant to be paid off—it keeps growing indefinitely because the system is designed for perpetual borrowing and spending.
• If Americans stopped paying taxes altogether, the government would still continue operating exactly the same way—by printing more money. The Truth About Taxes
• Taxes are a form of economic control, not a necessity for government funding.
• The real purpose of taxation is to keep the public in check, create artificial scarcity, and prevent people from realizing the truth about how money is created.
• Those who understand this system—the ultra-wealthy and corporations—use 12 USC 411 to opt out of income taxes completely while everyday Americans continue to foot the bill.
How to Opt Out of the US Income Tax Legally - Use Wealth Guaranteed’s 12-411 Process.
Our 12-411 process allows Americans to legally opt out of paying income taxes by using a little-known federal law that lets you redeem Federal Reserve Notes for lawful money—making your income non-taxable. By understanding how money is really created and how the tax system truly works, you can legally remove yourself from the tax trap and take control of your financial future. Join our live Infosession this Thursday to learn how to eliminate your tax liability and get a 100% tax refund every year!
One of the biggest concerns people have when considering the 12-411 Process is whether it will impact their eligibility for Social Security (SS), Medicare, or other government benefits. The simple answer is NO—you will NOT lose your Social Security or Medicare benefits by redeeming your income as lawful money under 12 U.S.C. § 411.
Why Social Security & Medicare Are NOT Affected
Social Security & Medicare Are Not Tied to Income Taxes
• Social Security and Medicare are funded through FICA taxes (Federal Insurance Contributions Act), which are separate from income taxes.
• These programs are mandatory payroll deductions, meaning your employer automatically withholds them from your paycheck regardless of whether you pay income tax or not.
• The 12-411 Process only eliminates your income tax liability, not your FICA contributions.
Your Work History, Not Taxes Paid, Determines Benefits
• Social Security benefits are calculated based on your work history and earnings, not how much income tax you’ve paid.
• The Social Security Administration (SSA) tracks your earnings through W-2 wages and self-employment income, NOT your tax payments.
• If you’ve worked the required 40 quarters (10 years), you are eligible for Social Security retirement benefits and Medicare—regardless of whether you owe income tax or not.
The IRS & SSA Operate Separately
• The IRS handles income tax, while the Social Security Administration (SSA) oversees Social Security and Medicare.
• Choosing to redeem your income as lawful money under 12 U.S.C. § 411 only affects the taxable status of your income—it does NOT remove your income from SSA reporting requirements.
Many Wealthy Americans Pay No Income Taxes & Still Collect Benefits
• Many high-net-worth individuals legally pay zero federal income tax but still qualify for Social Security and Medicare in retirement.
• Why? Because eligibility is based on earnings, not tax payments.
• The 12-411 Process simply ensures that you, like the wealthy, do not overpay into the tax system.
Common Misconceptions About Losing Benefits:
• “If I don’t pay income tax, I won’t qualify for Social Security or Medicare.” FALSE. Eligibility is based on your reported earnings history, not income tax paid.
• “The IRS and SSA are connected; if I stop paying taxes, I’ll lose my benefits.” FALSE. The IRS does not control Social Security or Medicare—the Social Security Administration does.
• “My Medicare will be denied if I use Wealth Guaranteed’s 12-411 Process.” FALSE. If you’ve worked the required years and earned enough credits, you will still receive Medicare benefits.
The 12-411 Process by Wealth Guaranteed is a legal method to eliminate your income tax liability, but it does not impact your Social Security or Medicare benefits in any way. These programs are funded through payroll deductions and based on your work history—not on how much income tax you’ve paid. You’ve earned these benefits through your labor—and Wealth Guaranteed’s 12-411 Process simply ensures you keep more of your money instead of overpaying into a system that has always been voluntary.
The 12-411 process comes with some trade-offs that you should be fully aware of before proceeding. By legally opting out of paying the federal income tax by using 12 USC 411,, you will lose the right to:
• Serve on a jury
• Vote in federal elections (presidential, congressional, etc.)
• Earn interest on bank accounts (since interest is considered taxable income under federal law)
• Be employed by the federal government (or receive a federal salary, pension, or benefits tied to taxpayer status)
• Move to Washington, D.C., or any other federal territories (such as Puerto Rico, Guam, or the U.S. Virgin Islands) These restrictions apply only at the federal level—you retain all rights to vote in state and local elections, own property, operate businesses, and participate in all other aspects of daily life outside of federal jurisdiction. Many people see this as a fair trade-off in exchange for permanently eliminating their income tax liability.
No, none of our 12-411 clients have ever been challenged by the IRS or state tax collectors. The worst thing that happens? Occasionally, the IRS may send a letter stating they need more time to review the tax return. This is completely normal and nothing to be concerned about, as no one in the United States can control how long the IRS takes to process tax returns. What’s most important is that in our six-year history, the IRS has never challenged, rejected, or denied a properly filed 12-411 tax return. Every client who has followed the process correctly has received a 100% refund and a $0 tax bill—just as the law allows.
We work alongside some of the nation’s top corporate attorneys, ensuring that our process is backed by legal expertise. However, in our six-year history, we have never had a single client challenged or faced any legal issues with the 12-411 process. The reason is simple: this process is rooted in federal law and is applied correctly from the start. The IRS operates within its own legal framework, and when you follow the proper procedures, there is no basis for a challenge. That being said, should anything ever arise, our network of top legal professionals is fully equipped to assist. But so far, no one has ever needed legal representation because this process works exactly as the law allows.
We completely understand the skepticism—many of our clients felt the same way before learning how the 12-411 process legally eliminates income tax. However, what makes this different from “too good to be true” schemes is federal law. 12 USC 411 has been part of the U.S. legal code for over 100 years, and the IRS itself acknowledges that the tax system is based on voluntary compliance (26 CFR 601.602(a)). Additionally, Wealth Guaranteed has a 100% success rate with our 12-411 Process.. Every client who has followed our process has had their tax bill reduced to zero and received a full refund of their federal and state taxes paid. For extra assurance, we invite you to our weekly live Infosession, where you can meet CPAs, tax professionals, and real clients who have successfully used this process. This is not a loophole or a trick—it’s simply applying the law correctly in a way most people don’t know about.
Still unsure? Join our next Infosession or call our office at 737-285-4285 and ask us anything!
In our six years of experience, none of our clients have ever reported being unable to secure a mortgage or financing due to the 12-411 process. Your tax return will still show your gross income, which is what most lenders focus on. However, since your taxable income will be $0.00, some lenders may have specific requirements. If a lender doesn’t accept this tax filing structure, simply work with another lender that offers:
• Bank statement loans
• Low-document or no-document loans
• Pay stub verification loans
You will not be the first or last person to have a $0 tax liability. Lenders come across clients with $0 taxable income regularly, whether it’s from tax-exempt income sources, trusts, business deductions, or legal tax strategies like the 12-411 process. There are always lenders who will approve loans and take your situation into consideration.. If you need to make more calls to find the right lender, that’s just part of the process—but it’s a small trade-off for never having to pay federal or state income tax again for the rest of your life.
The 12-411 process is designed to be fast, efficient, and fully automated with the help of Wealth Guaranteed’s proprietary software. Here’s what you can expect in terms of timing:
Step 1: Completing the 12-411 Process Using Our Software – 1-2 weeks
Once you gain access to the 12-411 client portal, you’ll go through our step-by-step automated system, which typically takes about 2 weeks to complete. This includes document preparation, government communication, and submission of your finalized tax return.
Step 2: IRS Processing & Refund Issuance – 6-8 weeks
After submitting your 12-411 tax return, the IRS generally processes refunds within 6-8 weeks. This timeline may vary depending on IRS workload, filing method (e-file vs. mail), and processing speed.
Total Timeline: ~8-10 weeks
From start to finish, most clients receive their full refund within 8-10 weeks after beginning the process. Completing all steps in the 12-411 portal quickly and staying in communication with Wealth Guaranteed’s advisors can help minimize delays.
Step 1: Attend Our Thursday Infosession (Highly Recommended)
Before getting started, we strongly encourage you to attend our weekly Thursday Infosession, where we provide a full breakdown of the process, answer questions live, and introduce you to our team of CPAs and tax professionals. Register Here:
Step 2: Enroll in the 12-411 Client Portal
Once you’re ready, the next step is to officially enroll:
Go to
Complete the secure enrollment process
Make your one-time payment to become a lifetime 12-411 client
Financing Available: If you need financing, we offer flexible payment options through Flexxbuy to break the cost into manageable payments.
Step 3: Access the 12-411 Software & Start Your Process
Once your enrollment is processed (ACH takes 2-4 business days to clear, card payments are instant), you’ll receive an email with:
Login credentials for the 12-411 Client Portal
Step-by-step guided software and tutorial videos to complete the process
Direct communication channels with our team for assistance
Step 4: Complete the Process (Approx. 2 Weeks)
Use the 12-411 client software interface to complete the necessary steps. The system automates communication with government agencies, prepares all documentation, and provides clear tutorials to ensure success.
Step 5: File Your Tax Return with our NoTaxPros & Get Your Refund (6-8 Weeks)
Once your 12-411 tax return is completed, you will file it with the U.S. Treasury. The agency typically processes refunds in 6-8 weeks. You will receive 100% of your federal & state income tax withheld.
The truth is, the financially privileged in this country have been using strategies like our 12-411 process for generations. However, they’ve done an excellent job of keeping the public misinformed about how it works. By allowing everyday Americans to be confused by the complexity of offshore trusts, foreign bank accounts, or secretive accounts in places like Dubai or Switzerland, they’ve convinced the general public that tax exemption is something only the ultra-wealthy can achieve.
This confusion isn’t accidental, it’s intentional. Our 12-411 process is actually simple and legal, but it’s hidden in plain sight. If a wealthy person were to explain it in casual conversation, it might sound far-fetched to the average person because our education system has trained Americans to dismiss what’s been right in front of them all along.
For the wealthy, it’s easier—and more beneficial—to stay quiet about these strategies and let the public remain uninformed. Teaching everyday Americans about these processes would disrupt the system they’ve benefited from for so long. At Wealth Guaranteed, we’ve made it our mission to bring these legal, proven strategies to everyone, not just the privileged few.
This might seem confusing, but it’s actually quite simple once you "get" it…The dollar bills you have in your wallet, issued by the Federal Reserve Bank, known as Federal Reserve Notes, really are just pieces of paper.
BUT, they are pieces of paper that can be redeemed or exchanged for United States Notes, non-taxable currency called "lawful money". This is where the value of your paper money truly lies. This clause, known as the "obligatory clause" was printed on every bill, from 1914 until 1963.
The Federal Reserve Banks are no more 'federal' than Federal Express, the shipping company. The Federal Reserve is not a federal agency; it is a privately owned and operated central bank which authorizes the U.S. Treasury to print currency, which it loans to the United States…WITH INTEREST!
Every Federal Reserve Note printed into circulation becomes an obligation of the US Government to pay back directly to the Federal Reserve WITH INTEREST! This is what creates our national debt! And Uncle Sam passes the bill to us! Paying off this national debt is the sole reason why we have an income tax!
However, participating in this system is 100% voluntary.
You have a choice to completely bypass the World’s Largest Tax Collector and the Federal Reserve System, and completely eliminate your income tax liability using our 12-411 process.
Were you ever told there was a difference?
Did you know one was non-taxable, the other is 100% non-taxable, and you always had a choice on which to declare on your tax forms?
The use of this symbol goes through the federal reserve system and creates a taxable event when receiving income.
By default, any money deposited into your bank account are considered federal reserve notes, a taxable currency! Think of the federal reserve symbol as a “tax stamp.”
Since you deposit money into your bank using their currency, at the end of the year they charge you a service fee, which is collected by the nations largest tax collector. This is also known as “Income Tax!”
This is done by using 12 USC 411 to “activate” the US treasury symbol, and redeem all of your income for non taxable notes issued by the US Treasury.
Choosing to use the treasury symbol bypasses the nations largest tax collector and creates NO taxable event when receiving income!
This is the process of redemption, turning your taxable currency into non-taxable US NOTES!
“I thought this was impossible to do. I had never heard of this process but I took a leap of faith. Once the checks started coming in I couldn’t believe it. I haven’t paid taxes since 2019 and just got all my money back for 4 years! And the best part is.. I never have to pay taxes again!”
– Mariah,
Maryland 6/05/2024
Follow Wealth Guaranteed’s step-by-step instructions to eliminate 100% of your income tax liability. Try our 12-411 Tax software for free today and see the results of this life-changing program!
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Lawful Money is Demanded per 12 USC 411 Where Applicable.
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